About Me

My photo
This started as a Photography Blog which I was terrible at keeping up but now as I am to depart on an adventure on Monday 2nd May to use it as a Travel Blog as well. I will be starting my journey in Montreal and after travelling across Canada, the United States and some of South America aim to back in the U.K for a wedding reception in May 2013.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009


I wanted to apologise for not putting anything up here in such a long time; I moved out of my place in Manchester and have had a bit of a bitch of time sorting things out. I also have a new creative outlet (anything to prevent me from actually sorting my life out) where I'm trying my hand at my idea of poetry. I promise I will have some photos up here as soon as, just got to find the cables!

Thursday, 29 January 2009

New Art in our living room

Now this is definately not one of my good photos but I really like the way the light plays with the prints. I used the 'solarize' setting on my camera and just had a little play around; have to admit I quite like it.